Space Object Status

In the Space Object Status section you can find the following:

  • Occupied Lands: Here it is shown how many lands are occupied with Mining Facilities.

  • Critical ground lands: This shows the maximum capacity of the space object to accommodate Mining Facilities. However, the lands on a planet are not finite but if Occupied Lands exceed CGL the players that have mining facilities staked and do not have land for it will receive some penalties.

  • Scenario: Depending on how many mining facilities are staked on a space object there are 3 scenarios:

    • Undercrowded: If the Occupied Lands on a space object are less then 80% of CGL then every player that has a Mining Facility on the Space Object receive 20% more PXN for it.

    • Crowded: If the Occupied Lands deployed on a Space Object are between 80–100% of CGL then, only the players who own one land for one Mining Facility will receive 20% more, while those who don’t have land will receive no bonus.

    • Overcrowded: If the Occupied Lands deployed on a Space Object are over 100% of CGL then, only the players who own one land for one Mining Facility will receive 20% more, while those who don’t have land will receive 20% less PXN.

  • Bonus G. Mining: Most Space objects have a Bonus Ground Mining, here you can see it as percentages.

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