PXN Income calculations examples

Considering the data, here are 3 cases of calculating PXN income generated by a mining facility, which are:

Case 1: The player has a mining facility and he owns one land for it. In this case the PXN generated is calculated: Mining Facility Base PXN/day income * Bonus Ground coefficient * Scenario Coefficient.

Example 1:

9(M.F. Base PXN/DAY)*1.2(UNDERCROWDED coeff.)*1.15(Bonus G. coeff.)=12.42 PXN/DAY


7*1.2*1.5=9.66 PXN/DAY.

Case 2: The Player does not own any land for the mining facility. In this case the PXN generated is calculated: Mining Facility Base PXN/day income*Scenario Coefficient*0.7 (30% rent).

Example 2:

(M.F. Base PXN)1*1.2(UNDERCROWDED coeff.)*0.7(RENT coeff.)=0.84 PXN/DAY


3*1.2*0.7=2.52 PXN/DAY.

Case 3: The Player owns a fraction of one land: In this case the PXN generated is calculated with two terms. The PXN for the fractions that is on owned Ground Land is calculated with the equation from case 1 and for the other fraction with the equation from case 2.

Example 3:

5(M.F. Base PXN)*1.2(UNDERCROWDED coeff.)*1.15(Bonus G. coeff.)*0.264(owned land)=1.8216 PXN/DAY, this is the term for the mining facility on owned ground land and 5(Base PXN)*1.2(UNDERCROWDED coeff.)*0.736(rented land)*0.7(rent coeff.)=3.0912 this is for the mining facility that is on rented land. Both of these are aproximatively equal to 4.91 PXN/DAY.

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